Product description
We have big news! Our first BLEND!! The combination of coffees from Guatemala and Brazil have created a great blend that tastes great with milk, but mainly as an espresso. Expect a very drinkable, easy to dial-in coffee with a great creamy texture, full body and sweet notes of plums, roasted hazelnuts with a nice cocoa aftertaste.

13,74 46,95 

Characteristics of coffee
Country of origin

Brazílie, Guatemala



Flavor profile

Roasted hazelnut, cocoa, dried plum

Type of coffee

100%arabica, specialty coffee, coffee beans

Recomended recipe

Amount of coffee:
9 g single, 18 g double

94,5 °C

Weight of final drink:
20 g single, 40 g double

Extraction time:
30 seconds

About  coffee from Brazil

As soon as the Brioschi family arrived from Italy to Brazil in 1950 they set about coffee farming. In 1985 Anacleto Brioschi, with the help of Antonio, Reginaldo and Gilberto, began to plant the farm exclusively with coffee, moving away from other crops. By the year 1999 they were able to purchase a huller to further improve quality and bring all elements of the preparation of coffee within the farms operations. The farm these days is planted with 20,000 Arabica trees, mostly consisting of Catucai, and Red and Yellow Catuai.
Whenever possible, the Brioschi family participates in local training, courses and seminars to improve their quality. They are currently particupating as a volunteer research producer at the Federal Institute of Espirito Santo. It is in part, due to this course and others that they have found ways to improve fertilisation, pruning and post-harvest techniques. All in all, they have seen quality grow year on year and are now able to regularly produce 84-85 point scoring coffees.


About  coffee from Guatemala

This coffee is a blend of coffee from small farmers in the Huista region of Hueuetenango who are all members of the El Sendero Cooperative. El Sendero Cooperative provides coffee producers support and information around Concepcion Huista in Huehuetenango region. The cooperative was formed in 2016 and it has grown rapidly. It currently serves 659 members, of which 350 produce coffee. The cooperative now operates its own receiving warehouse in order to make it easier for its members to reach the market with their high quality coffees.

Taste profile
How to understand the grid on packaging?

We wanted to make it as easy as possible for you to choose your coffee, so we worked with the guys from Steezy Graphic Studio to come up with a “grid” – a simple grid where you can easily find the characteristics of each coffee.
The red dot next to the description of each coffee is placed exactly there, so that you can easily imagine how the coffee will taste.

Citrus – chocolate
Here we’d like to give you an idea of how fruity the coffee will be. There’s a long way from citrus to chocolate, so imagine more in between:
citrus, berries, green apples, red apples, stone fruits, dried fruits, nuts, milk chocolate and dark chocolate 😉

Mild – wild
What is mild coffee? We’d say it’s unpretentious. A coffee that you can just have every morning and not have to think too much about it. It’s just good.
The higher the dot, the more excitement you can expect in the taste of coffee. The more surprising and fun it can be. These coffees are fruity, fun, interesting and make you think about what it is that you actually enjoy about them so much.